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Departure times at Nybrogade (Nyborg Kommune) (03:29 - 04:15)
Time With From To
03:36 Natbus 195N Natbus 195N Bastionen Nyborg (Nyborg Kommune)
Departure 03:36 Bastionen Nyborg (Nyborg Kommune)
Departure 03:37 Nyborg Privatskole (Nyborg Kommune)
Departure 03:39 Nyborg Station (Nyborg Kommune)
04:15 Natbus 931N Natbus 931N  
Departure 04:15 Nybrogade (Nyborg Kommune)
Departure 04:16 Banegårdsalleen (Nyborg Kommune)
Departure 04:18 Nyborg Station (Nyborg Kommune)
Following stations are included in this station schedule:
- Bastionen Nyborg (Nyborg Kommune)
     Stops and Stations in short distance (footpath)
- Kirkepladsen (Nyborg Kommune) (approx. 13 minutes)
- Skolegade (Nyborg Kommune) (approx. 9 minutes)
- Bastionen Nyborg (Nyborg Kommune) (approx. 4 minutes)
- Nyborg Privatskole (Nyborg Kommune) (approx. 7 minutes)

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Nybrogade (Nyborg Kommune) | time: 03:29

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